
we don’t honour time

enough sometimes we forget

each moment’s passing


life’s woke in a dream –

desires’ dissolving seasons –

delusional days


sprung on by mad gods

our fantasies in the flesh

dissipating time


narcoticised nights

splinter in breaking trance beats

time’s passing fancies


like comets’ bright tails

outgassing in orbital

periods of coma


millennial hours

centuries past in seconds

lit by mortal suns


we wake in our beds

making lifetimes’ catwalk love

cosmic comedy


ethereal hopes

brighten our dreams like comets

blazing through black night





About freddie

writer, migrant, work in progress


  1. Scarlett Ong says

    Powerfully put.

    Hope is ethereal and brightens our lives as comets brighten black night.

    Wokeness in life is a Dream, a delusion.

    Honouring time is another way to achieve personal growth.

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