Stranger (haiku chain)

For millenia, humans

waited for god to show up

Now we are furthest


from belief – closest

to meeting god in person:

Unwelcome stranger –


Forever mortals

on earth forget our fate is

Eternal promise


Eternal waiting

for the life that has no end

Mortals forever


Unwelcome strangers

to their own lives and planet:

Strange and unwelcome


Until they embrace

the passing of all that flows

and streams us is all.




Haiku and picture by Freddie Omm

(Loosely translated from an original Meditation by

Philipe de Saint Maurice)




The photo was taken at Scheveningen on a windy afternoon last month when the sand was seething along the beach in noisy funnelflows.


  1. Colin Fuller says

    I cannot envisage how the beliefs underpinning these haiku can be reconciled with orthodox Christian doctrine.

    • Philippe de Saint Maurice is far from being an orthodox Christian, indeed he is not really a Christian of any denomination.

  2. Yu Yan Yip says

    – “embrace

    the passing of all that flows

    and streams us is all.”

    The embrace of the moment, in all its ephemerality, in its Flow and in its passing, is perfectly expressed and so important to any chance of sanity in our fast-moving world!

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