Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii

A poem by Ummidia Quadratilla, on learning that her husband, daughter, and son-in-law have been killed in the Vesuvian holocaust. The family’s seaside villa in Pompeii (now known as the Villa of the Mysteries) has just been destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, and the family died while helping their household to escape. Ummidia Quadratilla, a Roman-era Messager of the Tabernacle of Gaia, had stayed in Rome. Selections of her poems appear in The Dark Gospel and are translated by Freddie Omm:

Sweet home, bodies loved

Before the ash and pumice storm:

Thoughts, loves, lives, buried


Words too crushed to speak

My loss through lasting love now

Silence covers all—


Busts, scrolls in libraries,

(Like grapes left liquid in the press)

Some burned, crushed, some saved:


We can only wait

For the centuries to come

To uncover us


