chiffchaff (haiku chain)



before the snow falls

this winter, we’ll warm ourselves

with wine and firelight


within tall sheltering walls

we’ll lighten lovelost shadows

through this longest night


green-winged chiffchaff calls

warbling from the weeping winter willows: –

woke spirits take flight



freddie omm

the hague

winter solstice, 2019


The chiffchaff has an onomatopoeic name, supposedly evoking its song (cf Dutch: tjiftjaf; German: Zilpzalp) – even though the trilling chirrups of the chiffchaffs I’ve heard sound more like chee chee than chiffchaff.

(And how, in any case, could a bird produce an ff , let alone an lp sound?)


Most chiffchaffs who breed in Europe migrate south in winter, but they seem quite keen on the continent, arriving earlier in spring, and leaving later in autumn than other birds.

Avian heralds of global warming, many of these summer colonists are now becoming permanent residents, overwintering by Dutch and Belgian coasts, the English Channel, on southern Welsh and Irish shores, in Normandy and Britanny, and along the Mediterranean.


For all that, this slightly bastardised haiku chain isn’t exclusively about chiffchaffs, much as I love their presence and the vigorous, spirit-enlivening brio of their song.