work in progress: sketch of snow, dunes, sea and dog


when we want to live

a life more lit and touched with

fire we need the beach


where sea throws us waves,

surf singed with feels we can’t share

like words lost in storm


light snow drifts on dunes

while wind blows cold and dry, we

walk down to the shore—


foam flies from the waves

like smoke, rolls on soft wet sand,

the dog sniffs, bites it;


sunlight’s lying on the beach–

wet, shining now the ash-curled waves sink

reflecting sky:


clouds of flame and ash

float through blue, hidden heaven

soaking into earth


sky, flames, snow and wind, waves, foam and sand,

they and all of it are never still not ever but they move us

through us as we walk, wish, stand–


what I see, I write,

and with my words I try to

catch the snow and light










Photos by F. Oomkens


Rotterdam, Bright Monday

Rotterdam in spring

sun’s eastering glow—winter’s

in shadows, past us,


Past us, waking fresh

soulsakes, godsakes born in light—

burning bright Passion.





Poem and photo by Freddie Omm

Bright Monday is a name for the Monday after Easter.
– This haiku chain is based on a Meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice—albeit the original was written in and about Jerusalem soon after the Crucifixion.
– In this poem, as in Port Vendres (September 2021), “godsakes”—and their relations, “soulsakes”—are again evoked. Godsakes and soulsakes are aspects of being human, according to the Tabernacle of Gaia.
– The central wording of the haiku chain—“past us,/Past us”—contains the idea of past selves, as well as the more literal idea of winter now being in the past, in Rotterdam’s hemisphere, at least.
– “Passion” refers both to Yeshua’s Easter narrative (Christ’s Passion) and to the passion all humans can feel, regardless of religion—the word is rooted in suffering, with a transformative tendency toward regeneration (or resurrection).


I followed a path

thinking that it led somewhere

but it’s ended here—


It isn’t the road

not taken so much as the

untakeable road—


Follow my advice:

don’t follow a path—choose the

made up, pathless ways.




freddie omm

january 2021


with apologies to robert frost’s road not taken

– the poem is based on a meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice

in neverland lost

Strength (RIPped) – haiku puzzle

To go with this little puzzle, some words by Verity Worth:

Becoming strong can come when you fall apart and break down.

You’re overcome by – you melt in – you surrender to – you give your self up to (and in) the present moment.

That moment can be a space filled with overwhelming emotion.

Maybe you are mourning a loss, someone you loved.

Maybe it is the moment itself you are mourning, the intensity of feeling it has evoked that feels as though it’s passing.

You become the moment – the moment becomes you – give yourself to the moment –

You find strength in pulling yourself together, and every time this happens the extra strength seems more, like building muscles.

And yet another part of you feels wasted, emotionally hungover, psychically drained.

The two sides coexist in you, different facets of the same self, two selves within a larger You, like rainclouds amd sun, selves containing many more aspects like scattered pieces in a jumbled jigsaw puzzle.

Neither gains the upper hand for a while, the two sides just about balancing, then matter resolves, the hangover dissipates, it drains away, as is natural, it passes like a cloud.

The pieces can be reassembled.

There’s enough strength in you to grow again.





tank man (unknown rebel)

I stood up to you,

Then disappeared.


Even now

                                up to you

I stand


Not invisible,

Although unseen, unknown, still


I stand up to you.




31 years on.

We greet and salute you, Yu Yan Yip—and all who stood and stand up to faceless tyranny.



freddie omm

– love’s words run still (twelve haiku)

things we feel will not

die for want of words to speak

them – those feels will stay


your breast warm on my chest

heart and tongue’s incoherence

dissolving in sex


how our words run free

of sense when what we feel speaks

more than we can say


love shifts forever

infusing lust’s hot moist mouths’

fluent sweet nothings


the love we feel gone –

ghosted, holed in our hearts alone

swells in silence still


love remembering

each wordless stroke of the tongue

bodies becoming


that loss sends us mad

whose griefs we know shall not pass

so we stay still, still


love like roots in earth

grows deep, inarticulate

all through tacit seasons


till we cry our loss

pain blurred blind – we’ll not be heard

nor seen as we are


love is a virus

spreading our sweet infection

mingling genes, bodies


this is how these words

might speak to those who hear and

feel their inner sense: –


if what we felt died

through lack of words to speak it

this is how it ends –




freddie omm


February Ink

February ink

Scrawls dark promises on sky

Written in love’s shade.




Freddie Omm

February 2020

when we make love a billion cells break free (villanelle)

when we make love a billion cells break free

our bodies flowing fluid like disgendered

creatures of great beauty growing unbound gloriously


although we’re only human too and so quite ordinary

we spiral into plasmic dust as spores sprinkling our eggshell world

while making love a billion cells break free


in some identities we hardly see

among us – beside, within, beyond us – enraptured,

creatures of great beauty rising upward gloriously


like stars that gleam and glow in space and transiency

like birds in deep still forest undergrowth unheard

love is made perpetually so billions of our cells break free


our love in life is that which lets us be

ourselves in an intensity of moments scattered

creatures of great beauty growing unbound gloriously


we find new freedoms freeform ecstasy

now top and out of mind and sight no need for thought nor any word

when we make love a billion cells break free

like creatures of great beauty growing unbound gloriously




griffith park





Photo  of LA by Freddie Oomkens, taken from Griffith Observatory, September 2019

we come alive

from the way we act
when we’re in love you’d think love
wounds and hurts us most
in life – though things far
bitterer are daily thought and done –
love hits us hardest
– at times though we seem not
to even know we’re alive
while we’re here living
we can’t remember
our births, don’t believe in our
deaths – all too human
errors throughout life
shape our being – our delicate
small blue fragile world –
it’s quite likely that
love changes us because love
makes us come alive
as time goes past pain
fades but love’s the thing that lasts
to save us from ourselves
when we kiss and touch
our loving tenderness makes
hard living softer
we come alive then
love ourselves into being
loving mortal gods



freddie omm




This haiku chain is loosely translated from a Meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice.

grounded – a thing for me – split-line sonnet

not for me

those clouds that fluff the sky and

shift their shape like ghosts


haunting heaven,

inhabiting while whiting out

our snowy floating formless hopes –


not for me

the worn-in practised phrase

that targets


some soft weakness of our stricken hearts,

but always misses,



tittle-tattling flattery that bigs

us up

yet disses, disses –


o not for me

those chilled and flaky

trout-lipped puppet tendernesses


nor for me

those strung-out wants that need yet never do,

they’ll never do:


not for me a life that’s lost for lack of you.


for me then what is left to make my day?

for me your hand and head and heart and kiss


that permeate

the mark of love which others miss,



mashing us while world spins on around us in its feckless way:


but all those flakes

who flurry through the sky, who

flourish infelicitously


without a touch from you

to ground them cannot be

a thing for me.





november 2018

holy ghosts – haiku chain

all our holy ghosts

live in us, and we in them –

love’s eternal haunting:

blithe spirits spook us

from deserted dunes – singing

sands, rustled by winds –

heartbeat-storms roil round

the beach, rouse stomping wildness,

clamour in our veins:

we are the children

– and parents – of the past

in love’s family

whose children succeed

give birth to generations

for eternity

mother father child

live and grow and give their love

timeless trinity

all our holy ghosts

live in us as we in them

we are love eternal


Spring 2018

twelfth night, 1296 – floris’ epiphany in the hall of knights – as if feasting

Floris V van Holland

Early in January 1296, Floris V leaves his court in The Hague for Paris, where – against his better wishes – he switches Holland’s ancient alliance with England to one with France. This sparks off treachery among some of Floris’ nobles, leading to his murder in June.


in his hall of knights –

mental topers, tumblers, ravers

– mad din of needy bingeing gluttons


smoke-shrouds cling to blackened beams

minstrels mock those braying, belching goblet-brandishers

ranting voices drunk


alone in that crowd

and at its centre, he sits

a silent moment.



thoughts like words unborn

in a womb of forgetting

flit through his spirit


scared of too much thought

(which drinking puts a stop to

– as if thoughts could drown):



sacred hopes, our wished-for dreams

float off like swans when we awake

they glide off on the glossy glassy lake


worn out by living

(which dying puts an end on

– as if our lives first wear, then strip us bare).


as if as if as

if, in drinking, sleep and dreams

and thoughts and words all drowned like shipwrecked memories


and yet and yet and

yet we live and breathe and feed our fates,

our lives float free of us.



he sits with his knights,

his ladies, fools, his dogs and serfs and clowns

one sated, bloated, slumbering moment


comes as if to himself

in the din of that great hall

on his island in the lake –


sees in that moment

the ghosts of future feasting,

woken when he wakes.



twelfth night, 2018



Binnenhof The Hague in about 1290

Hall of Knights (Ridderzaal), Binnenhof, The Hague in the eighteenth century

new year 1296, the hague – floris wakes in the binnenhof (five haiku)

fazed, floris looks out

across the lake from his tower:

chilled, sluggish morning –


his household sleeping

off the feast, he’s alone, but for

the stork and the swan


one roosting above

on the roof, one swimming below –

fog-filled sky foreboding.


he rises from the bed

behind the banqueting hall,

kisses his lover –


blessing his domain

– his folk, that mindless morning –

his dark fate untold.


new year’s day 2018

 hollywood kilonova

in hollywood, our

sublunar gutter-cosmos,

the walk of fame shames


collapsed stars, black holes

collide, merge – an afterglow

of platinum, gold


counterstellar dust,

like that brute shapeshifter’s lust

ravishing Leda


rapist in swan’s form:

sky father, king of gods, power

launched in Helen’s face


engendering revenge –

Iphigenia, Clytaemnestra

and Argos dead (the dog…)


this darkwebbed media:

supernova’d starfuckers

named, shamed, bollocked up


chorus of neutron sleaze:

lost starlets – tricked-, sucked-, fucked-up –

patriarch swansong


now mobs bay and rip

lives apart in shitstorm tweets

of #metoo fascism


in our black hole of fame

everyone’s-got-it-infamy –

carry on hollywood.



october 2017

zuiderstrand, the hague

from boardwalks buried
in the bed of that steep dune

you step on the beach –


sandscapes shift, air-borne,

you’re a visitor here, as

timelessly moving


as sea waves wash off

infinite fictions of earth –

mere specks on a spot in space.



october 2017

la muse et la petite mort – a sonnet

la muse et la petite mort


i sometimes wish I didn’t love you yet

so much that I do I do for you but

nothing ever works for us both, and words mistook cut

us up and out of our connection, when we let them.
i always love the way you never get

stuck on stuff – some folk would fall into a rut

when hard and heavy tribulations put

their lives on hold – thoughts mired like fish in a net.
but you, you seem to blithely slip

through that wide open ocean of freedom

from all the drifting flotsam pains you ever met
setting sail on a climactic far-out trip

through wine-dark heavens, where you and all our friends can come –

loving, yet somehow wishing we didn’t love you, yet…

       April 2017

in our happy hour 

  in our happy hour

  blooming among wild tulips

   sappily sprung in spring –


   fresh April showers fall,

  sweeten earthy sluggish veins –

    riffs of birdsong wake


       liminal lovers

    on the season’s bare threshold,

     shivering off the cold –


    shed our chrysalis clothes,

      winter’s pale accessories,

        emerging nude, fresh –


    limitless like love

    shaken from hibernation

        in our happy hour

freddie omm , april 2017

sexy, slightly scary (her sweet self)

She’s sweet like a friend

Yet sexy, slightly scary

Like no one other


You like her. She smiles

The smile of one who knows that

That liking you feel


Likes her for her self

Like she wishes she could too

But she doesn’t like


Like herself… She says

She can’t explain how she likes

What she likes in words


She has this dream

In which she merges in her

Lies of love with others like


She’s living some truth

Neither selfish nor selfless

– Like her to be both –


Sweet, wholesome, love-scarred

And sexy, exposed – scared that

She’s just like herself


But is not herself –

Like no one else is oneself:

We’re like each other.

on ventura beach: haiku chain

ventura keys bay

ventura keys bay


borne on a loose-tongued tide

when dolphins sang in our bay,

i swam alongside.


i learned my english

in california, oh yeah –

surfing on meaning


strange new kid from lands

far-off with paler beaches

i dug those endless sands


west of ventura keys

soaked up the lingo in waves,

loghorreic seas,


chilled long days drunk down

so deep, my first summer of love,

synaesthetized like


a child of the sun –

honey-skied strands, peacemeal love,

kool-aid cookied, fun!


like surf out of reach,

lyrics drift through smoke-tinged breeze

on ventura beach.


kool-aid cookies

kool-aid cookies



shoredays, yoredays: seven haiku on a beach


now, then, soon – shoredays,

wave-lapped hours, wind-spun and warm

like summer kisses


blown in midwinter

distillated on our lips

blissed out, oh! timeless


yoredays – flown, but here

with you forever, come spring

and the buds and birds –


skies drunk on light, blue

till blacked-out, then flopping blank

on a spinning globe


summerled like myth,

tripping out on dewy toes –

yoredays, yours, mine, theirs,


the only sure thing

left is love in all our lives,

strewn along the dunes


days of sun, shoredays –

all transilluminated,

hewn in memory


who am i (lana wachowski)

for lana wachowski


… who am i, and when

wachowski to wachowska


was there a moment

before i became me? – no,

and yet i wonder…


what turns us queerly

recast in a different film

to act against type?


(type?) (without a face?)

life’s not some single screenplay…

(type?) (without a cast?)


we ask ourselves this

not knowing if an answer

ever was, will be:


never yet someone,

neither a nonentity

nor quite nobody


mostly we don’t ask

for fear of wondering, lost

in rapt selflessness


one eye on the road

which tears our lives inside out

one hand on the wheel


and we become one

body, not anybody,

don’t ask who am i…


22nd January 2014


i admire lana wachowski’s work a lot and also her general attitude to stuff (as far as one can make out from her few public statements) – she combines humour with intelligence and experimentation – artistic bravery, openminded energy, a sense of inspirational anarchy…

i wrote this poem in one go last night just after i’d been thinking about her life so far.

(it is likely to get edited, tweeted and played with, being in the nature of an experiment, one of my haiku chains…)

love became a lonely land: autumnal haiku chain

leaves on loam

leaves like love let go

spiral down to snoozing earth,

dark, russet-brown loam.


when fall took those leaves

love became a lonely land—

warmth withdrawn, wan sun’s


waning light bled slow

blind trails of mud and sodden

footsteps veined with ice


wan sun's waning light bled slow blind trails

where ghosts shadowed past,

skulked all through that leafless land

to haunt our autumns…


stark, unfelled, strange-boughed—

love’s remains in lonely land:

bare old beeches, clumped,


storm-ridden and gaunt,

sheltering our homeless hearts,

winterblown—like us,


love’s a vagabond

wandering to a nameless place

of endless leaving—


on tracks untravelled

from fall to spring, we will see

leaves, let go, return.

leaves, let go, return

leaves, let go, return


 – I originally wrote this haiku chain on Twitter — a bad habit of mine — poetry on Twitter being so hit and miss, nobody’s looking for it — but I find it a good place maybe for knocking out a first draft.

– When I’d written it I thought Love is a lonely land was a new phrase but then I checked and I saw I had actually lifted it (subconsciously…) from an old, sweet song.

–  This was Billie Holiday’s beautiful, mournful Deep Song (by Cory and Cross), which includes the line:

Love lives in a lonely land

and ends:

Love is a barren land, a lonely land/A lonely land.

–  That’s a song I must have listened to more than a couple dozen times since childhood (my parents also loved Billie Holiday).

– At any rate, my haiku chain has ended up as a sort of retort — a positive echo if you like — to the somewhat bleak sentiments of Deep Song

– So thanks to Billie, Cory and Cross!

– And here’s their song in all its glory:

Billie Holiday: Deep Song

earthgrazing haiku

moon and bay

moon and bay

In Dorset last month one evening after tea – and till well after midnight – there were some excellent meteor showers.

Spread out on our backs, on a tumulus on the clifftops above Higher Eype, we watched them.

I wrote this haiku chain about it:

(meteor showers over the dorset coast)

peckish at tea-time:
pot warmed, kettle on the boil
as the light draws in

around the cottage –
fog furling up from the sea
all this moist evening

our minds soaked, softened
in warm cups of reflection,
dunked choccy biscuits –

scones with clotted cream
and jam, gentleman’s relish
on hot buttered toast.

we climb up the hill
to the clifftop tumulus,
sheep and cows around –

the sky inking in
those unscrolled constellations
crawling with time’s myths,

scanning heaven for
asteroids and meteorites,
bright trails clustered in

radiating lights,
mirrored waves, blank deep waters
where night takes a breath,

and then we look out
– wide-eyed, longing no longer –
appetites replete,

scattered meteor showers
sketch the intermittent sky
with points of parting:

radiant perseids,
earthgrazers, cosmic debris –
while we watch, starstruck,

and only the dog
is still on the hunt for more,
chasing her own tail…

dorset, august 2013

coco looking for her own tail

coco looking for her own tail

(“earthgrazers”, by the way, are meteors which fly close to the horizon, slowly, in the early evening… i like the way it could just as well describe us humans – and animals, too – grazers all upon this earth)



Van Gogh’s First Literary Appearance Discovered

starry night, by van gogh, 1889

starry night, vincent van gogh, 1889

Van Gogh is often seen as the epitome of the tortured artist – misunderstood, rejected in his lifetime, and only slowly building up a posthumous reputation after his early, self-inflicted death.

This supposed obscurity has been shown to be a myth before. But that legendary image still clings to Van Gogh, helping to make him one of the world’s most popular, iconic artists.

vincent van gogh

vincent van gogh

Now Dutch journalist Sander Brink has unearthed the first mention of Van Gogh in a piece of fiction. It throws up some fascinating insights and surprises.

Because Van Gogh’s first appearance is startlingly early – 1903, in a novel called De Winkeljuffrouw uit Oiseau d’Or – Chapeaux pour dames et enfants. (translation: “The Shopgirl in Oiseau d’Or – hats for ladies and children”)

The novelist, Cornélie Noordwal, far from being some kind of avant-garde writer at the cutting edge of modern art, was a hugely popular writer of mainstream (arguably middlebrow) bestsellers, romances and childrens’ books.

Van Gogh’s fleeting mention in De Winkeljuffrouw will thus have formed the first exposure thousands of readers ever had to the artist…

cornélie noordwal, turn of the century blockbuster writer

cornélie noordwal, dutch blockbuster writer in the 1890s and 1900s

What interests me first is the relative standings of Van Gogh and Noordwal.

In 1903, Noordwal was a famous, rich, successful writer (albeit one many critics despised), whereas Van Gogh, thirteen years dead, was only just beginning his phoenix-like rise from obscurity.

In the 110 years since, of course, their positions have radically reversed. Like most middlebrow blockbusters of bygone ages, Noordwal, for all her merits, has lapsed into relative obscurity, while Van Gogh has become the elemental incarnation of genius, whose works sell for hundreds of millions.

The second thing which interests me is the nature of Van Gogh’s fictional début. Because he is sketched in terms remarkably close to his alienated, self-dramatising self-image (as expressed in his own letters), which has driven another core aspect of the Van Gogh myth.

In the novel, Jan, a poet, is writing to Nora, his beloved, and he mentions Van Gogh as being similar to her:

Of course you won’t know who that was. He was a man who was nothing but soul, like you, and his life was violently troubled by it; he painted and drew things, considered laughable and insane by laymen, and yet showed himself more of an artist than a mass of famous painters who create impeccable landscapes and  pictures.

(translation, by Freddie Oomkens, from the Dutch quoted in Sander Bink’s piece of 3rd July 2013)

The third interesting thing is that this figure of Van Gogh already seems fairly close to being a stock character, a Romantic literary archetype of a sort popular in the period. Think of the Les poètes maudites (1884), or D.H. Lawrence, or Leonard Bast in Howards End (1910), or a host of others.

It may sound fanciful, but it is almost as if literature, by means of this dainty little novel, were co-opting Van Gogh to join this gallery of characters whose noble sensitivity ejects them from society…

The final interesting thing, one which also intrigues Sander Bink, is the part played by letter-writing in this story.

Van Gogh’s letters had been published well before 1903 – indeed Albert Aurier’s famously influential article about him (Les Isolés, published in 1890) was heavily influenced by Van Gogh’s letters.  Noordwal, who lived in Paris (she died there in 1928), may well have read the article, which appeared in Mercure de France, a magazine popular among lovers of modern art, as well as extracts of the letters which appeared in Holland and France throughout the 1890s.

All in all, a fascinating insight into how consistently, and from its earliest days, Van Gogh’s iconic international image was shaped by literature, as shown in his very first (so far!) fictional entrance.

Jackals and Arabs

This little parable, like a fairy story, is utterly unlike most people’s idea of Kafka, reading like an enigmatic tale for children:

Jackals and Arabs

a place where jackals and arabs might meet

a place where jackals and arabs might meet

Reading this story to his daughters – and seeing their delighted reaction – inspired Matthue Roth to create My First Kafka: Runaways, Rodents, and Giant Bugs, which is published this week.

The idea is long overdue – for almost a century, Kafka has been imprisoned in a Kafkaesque prison not of his own making.

It’s high time someone set him free.

My Novel "Honour" Published

My best-selling thriller “Honour,” published by Mad Bear Books, is available in paperback and e-book from Amazon stores worldwide:

(USA AmazonUK Amazon)

Paperbacks are also available from Barnes & Noble and CreateSpace e-store: Honor (USA edition) –  Honour (UK edition).

Shocking, darkly funny, edgily post-feminist, “Honour” is about men who kill for honour, the girls who “drive them to it,” – and love in an age which consumes it…