work in progress: sketch of snow, dunes, sea and dog


when we want to live

a life more lit and touched with

fire we need the beach


where sea throws us waves,

surf singed with feels we can’t share

like words lost in storm


light snow drifts on dunes

while wind blows cold and dry, we

walk down to the shore—


foam flies from the waves

like smoke, rolls on soft wet sand,

the dog sniffs, bites it;


sunlight’s lying on the beach–

wet, shining now the ash-curled waves sink

reflecting sky:


clouds of flame and ash

float through blue, hidden heaven

soaking into earth


sky, flames, snow and wind, waves, foam and sand,

they and all of it are never still not ever but they move us

through us as we walk, wish, stand–


what I see, I write,

and with my words I try to

catch the snow and light










Photos by F. Oomkens


Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii

A poem by Ummidia Quadratilla, on learning that her husband, daughter, and son-in-law have been killed in the Vesuvian holocaust. The family’s seaside villa in Pompeii (now known as the Villa of the Mysteries) has just been destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, and the family died while helping their household to escape. Ummidia Quadratilla, a Roman-era Messager of the Tabernacle of Gaia, had stayed in Rome. Selections of her poems appear in The Dark Gospel and are translated by Freddie Omm:

Sweet home, bodies loved

Before the ash and pumice storm:

Thoughts, loves, lives, buried


Words too crushed to speak

My loss through lasting love now

Silence covers all—


Busts, scrolls in libraries,

(Like grapes left liquid in the press)

Some burned, crushed, some saved:


We can only wait

For the centuries to come

To uncover us




Rotterdam, Bright Monday

Rotterdam in spring

sun’s eastering glow—winter’s

in shadows, past us,


Past us, waking fresh

soulsakes, godsakes born in light—

burning bright Passion.





Poem and photo by Freddie Omm

Bright Monday is a name for the Monday after Easter.
– This haiku chain is based on a Meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice—albeit the original was written in and about Jerusalem soon after the Crucifixion.
– In this poem, as in Port Vendres (September 2021), “godsakes”—and their relations, “soulsakes”—are again evoked. Godsakes and soulsakes are aspects of being human, according to the Tabernacle of Gaia.
– The central wording of the haiku chain—“past us,/Past us”—contains the idea of past selves, as well as the more literal idea of winter now being in the past, in Rotterdam’s hemisphere, at least.
– “Passion” refers both to Yeshua’s Easter narrative (Christ’s Passion) and to the passion all humans can feel, regardless of religion—the word is rooted in suffering, with a transformative tendency toward regeneration (or resurrection).


I followed a path

thinking that it led somewhere

but it’s ended here—


It isn’t the road

not taken so much as the

untakeable road—


Follow my advice:

don’t follow a path—choose the

made up, pathless ways.




freddie omm

january 2021


with apologies to robert frost’s road not taken

– the poem is based on a meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice


Mistletoe clusters

On tall bare wintry poplars,

Pale, poisoned berries


Sowing witches’ brooms

With Saturnalian seed

To spread love’s shrouding


Solstice potency:

Nurturing nest, fast food for birds,

Spring’s bees, butterflies


But all’s veiled, still, now—

This short midwinter moment

Death’s reared in beauty


Breeds life in sticky

Clinging, skeletal branches,

Mistletoe clusters.




Loving Light


All my life I’ve loved

beaches and the beauty of

being on the edge


Where senses merge like

sex in sand and sky in eyes

we are everywhere


Feeling a moment

like lifetimes of loving light

from intense shadows


While feelings blur like

sea in sand and sky in air

we’re here everywhere.


All my life I’ve loved

beaches and their hot bodies

heating everyone


(Save folks or times with

lack of lust for life in sex through

mood or age or choice)


All my life I’ve loved

soft warm curves that turn things hard

tangling everything


All my life I’ve loved

those days when outlines grow so vague

you shape in the flow


Like waves washing worlds

that wishes made whole, oceans

smooth and connect us


All our lives loving

beaches and bodies and love

make us all hotter


And all our lives’ love

lifts us from life’s heaviness:

makes our lives lighter.


All my life I’ve loved

light, I’ve left darkness behind

when stuff got murky


At dawn if things got

sweaty I might stay on till

stuff got cool again –


– I get dark sometimes

too, we all do, but try to

leave darkness at dawn





September 2020

in neverland lost

– love’s words run still (twelve haiku)

things we feel will not

die for want of words to speak

them – those feels will stay


your breast warm on my chest

heart and tongue’s incoherence

dissolving in sex


how our words run free

of sense when what we feel speaks

more than we can say


love shifts forever

infusing lust’s hot moist mouths’

fluent sweet nothings


the love we feel gone –

ghosted, holed in our hearts alone

swells in silence still


love remembering

each wordless stroke of the tongue

bodies becoming


that loss sends us mad

whose griefs we know shall not pass

so we stay still, still


love like roots in earth

grows deep, inarticulate

all through tacit seasons


till we cry our loss

pain blurred blind – we’ll not be heard

nor seen as we are


love is a virus

spreading our sweet infection

mingling genes, bodies


this is how these words

might speak to those who hear and

feel their inner sense: –


if what we felt died

through lack of words to speak it

this is how it ends –




freddie omm


Coming Together (haiku chain)

In the still soft hours

Of night I wake as if alone

In bed although we’re not


Still there in each space

Between kisses in each breath while

We sleep love completes us


When we’ve way too much

Unsaid we want to say and

Much unshared to share


Even in silence

Our closeness warms us fills us

Speaks us forever:


Coming together

After time apart too long

Fills a voiceless void


Our lovers’ talk so close

Lasts longer far than mere remembered life

Never really ends


While we’re together

Hold each moment hold each one

In fullness of love


Even in silence

Still warmth eloquence love

Speak us forever




Freddie Omm

(very loosely translated from an original Meditation by Philippe de Saint Maurice)




I took the photo of the sunset through a window, quite dirty, in San Francisco.

chiffchaff (haiku chain)



before the snow falls

this winter, we’ll warm ourselves

with wine and firelight


within tall sheltering walls

we’ll lighten lovelost shadows

through this longest night


green-winged chiffchaff calls

warbling from the weeping winter willows: –

woke spirits take flight



freddie omm

the hague

winter solstice, 2019


The chiffchaff has an onomatopoeic name, supposedly evoking its song (cf Dutch: tjiftjaf; German: Zilpzalp) – even though the trilling chirrups of the chiffchaffs I’ve heard sound more like chee chee than chiffchaff.

(And how, in any case, could a bird produce an ff , let alone an lp sound?)


Most chiffchaffs who breed in Europe migrate south in winter, but they seem quite keen on the continent, arriving earlier in spring, and leaving later in autumn than other birds.

Avian heralds of global warming, many of these summer colonists are now becoming permanent residents, overwintering by Dutch and Belgian coasts, the English Channel, on southern Welsh and Irish shores, in Normandy and Britanny, and along the Mediterranean.


For all that, this slightly bastardised haiku chain isn’t exclusively about chiffchaffs, much as I love their presence and the vigorous, spirit-enlivening brio of their song.

we come alive

from the way we act
when we’re in love you’d think love
wounds and hurts us most
in life – though things far
bitterer are daily thought and done –
love hits us hardest
– at times though we seem not
to even know we’re alive
while we’re here living
we can’t remember
our births, don’t believe in our
deaths – all too human
errors throughout life
shape our being – our delicate
small blue fragile world –
it’s quite likely that
love changes us because love
makes us come alive
as time goes past pain
fades but love’s the thing that lasts
to save us from ourselves
when we kiss and touch
our loving tenderness makes
hard living softer
we come alive then
love ourselves into being
loving mortal gods



freddie omm




This haiku chain is loosely translated from a Meditation of Philippe de Saint Maurice.

ventura beach revisited

 Freddie in Ventura


those amber sunsets

never set but hung in mind

resplendent always


many years before

this beach and all that’s on it

were now, were mine


time was not what it

now is nor is becoming

each moment stayed whole


the waves held me fast

while the wind blew permanence

over solid sand


gulls sat in the sky

as if transfixed or painted

by a maker’s hand




a kid on a beach

– in the timeless space of life –

that kid’s always now




freddie omm

ventura, september 2019


The first of my haiku chains about Ventura beach was published here in December 2014: on ventura beach. I wrote this new one and took the photo while revisiting the beach last week. 


i see you my love

as clearly as reflections

in dark water


as clearly as the light

i see you stark and unblurred

in the noonday sun


perfection of love

that shatters into ripples

when i kiss your lips






haiku by freddie omm; painting by john william waterhouse


Meditations of Philippe de Saint Maurice, which I have edited and transformed into haiku and haiku chains, will soon be published by Mad Bear Books. The Meditations offer insights into spiritual growth, and I shall be posting some of them in advance here, interspersing them with my other work.

The first is gulls:

since I first could think

I always thought that thought

will turn me mad


like gull-crawing skies

thoughts can sound portentous as though

from other species


voices like aliens

we think into being as

thought will think us mad


words crawl crazy like

lingual creatures who can fly

from our mind’s planet


whether in rage or

loving-kindness – we know no more

than if we were gulls


fly into the sun

illuminate a last thought:

they. we. light. are one




freddie omm

text by freddie omm – title pic by thought catalogue – footer pic by yifei chen

veneralia (love changelings) – haiku chain

love is unchanging

but like the moon looks different

with each month coming


from bright new closeness

of a full worm supermoon*

illuminating us

transfiguring all

the sleeping world with budding

love awakenings


as each mood succeeds

mood and sad and happy mix

we’re changelings in love


our inconstancy

moves, begets us, forgot in

guiltless venery


our loves’ festival:

bathe in the pools of Venus

crowned with myrtle


rediscover the

endless beauty of new fresh

never ending loves





  • Veneralia was a festival held on 1 April in honour of Venus, Goddess of Love (Aphrodite to the Greeks). Women bathed together, crowned in myrtle, in the goddess’ honour. The festival was specifically focused on Venus’ attribute as Venus Verticordia – alluding to an aspect of the goddess as a “changer of hearts” – in this case, her ability to transform lustful love into chaste or platonic love. In this poem, the changing of hearts is seen in the context of a constancy of love that continues even when the love objects change.
  • *On 21 March 2019, the Spring Equinox, there was a full worm super moon. Looking from my window in The Hague, I saw an irradiated sky of swift moving clouds whose intermittent gaps opened a flood of stunning illuminations. They lit up everything like the flash of sudden universal compassion that can come with a new love, undermining cynicism and suffusing all in a bath of warm golden light.
  • Photos by Timothy Dykes and Guzman Burquin; Venus Verticordia by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

valentine possibilities (haiku couple)

each love is a kiss

melting and mingling – messed-up

unmissable bliss


each kiss is a sign:

unspoken love awoken –

timeless Valentine




freddie omm

14 february 2019


(illustration by annie spratt via unsplash)

ghosts of cheyne walk

one night in London

I saw the ghost of a child

behind my old house


dressed all in white

from another century

in the basement well


I watched a while

– she was absorbed in herself –

diffusing through light


a veil of darkness

her little body lit up

void translucent shades –


face expressionless,

quite absent, as if her spirit

had drained her hereness


flowing past in light

like the sun’s in moony night

shining chimera –


I could not read her

state nor story from her looks:

she stayed still, mute, slight,


radiating calm

acceptance between us. I waved –

then went up to bed.




next night, another

ghost came through the bathroom wall

into the sitting room


whilst I sat talking

with my ex-girlfriend’s mother

sure I was mad, drunk


visions and sirens

called me, but maybe it was

the ghost of our love


the evening after

I’d seen that blank ghost daughter

in not to be light.






freddie omm’s Sicilian Haiku, published by Mad Bear Books in September 2024, also features ghostly presences, albeit in Sicily, not London.

salle des pas perdus – poitiers

hall of lost footsteps

fugitive hot whispered words

scabrous ancestral songs


judgments from the court

of love whose lust-drunk troubadours

inspire my spirit:


a joy for living

a past that never passes

a loss yet unlost


in this hallowed space

– oak beams, flagstones, marbled walls –

still footfalls echo


I long for you much

as I listen to music

whose sadnesses touch


my heart still aching

from madnesses and rage that

haunt this rabid present –


let’s celebrate life

in songs of now, here, as in those

footfalls of the past


we find in absence

a beauty missing in presence

sometimes, timeless love





1 january 2019

here right now (lit like sparks in rain)

lost in your head

– a maze in shade, leaves in fall

blown autumnal memories


your mind’s lost and found

place of missed discoveries:

space to be, begin


become right here, be

fresh and free like that loved child

you were and yet will be


in this place of warmth

(this then’s the only way in?)

welling from your core


and you’re here right now

as these words flit through your brain

lit like sparks in rain


in our synapses

no unlinked unwoke spaces

no clueless faceless faces –


flaming in the flow

of watery reflections

you are here right now.





december 2018

gods glowing golden

warm lights of Christmas

cradled in the dark like faith’s

blessed, blissed mysteries



wonders in the everyday –

stars reflecting us


link us to each other

and our gods glowing golden,

lighting our lives in warmth





24 december 2018

canoes in the dusk

splintering sea – deep

troughs of sunset waves – shade, swell,

breathing dreams of sleep


lost in waking waves –

our canoes launch liquid lives

in limitless dusk.





reignite – haiku chain

Night. A single star

Burns, smudged by smog, smokelike clouds

Then blotted out. Dark


As my mood when you

Are gone – warmth and light snuffed out

Like a single flame


As the waxing moon

Is smothered behind storm clouds

Passing blind below


We absent ourselves

In darkness, deep depressions

Hiding from the sun


We dig a hole in

The plot of our own story –

Gotta stop digging:


Look up, wrap ourselves

In glowing glory, endless



Sea, sky, stars and moon

And this solitary earth

Spinning round the sun


That storm seething past

Stokes our sluggish blood till time

Reignites the sky.





September 2018

 hollywood kilonova

in hollywood, our

sublunar gutter-cosmos,

the walk of fame shames


collapsed stars, black holes

collide, merge – an afterglow

of platinum, gold


counterstellar dust,

like that brute shapeshifter’s lust

ravishing Leda


rapist in swan’s form:

sky father, king of gods, power

launched in Helen’s face


engendering revenge –

Iphigenia, Clytaemnestra

and Argos dead (the dog…)


this darkwebbed media:

supernova’d starfuckers

named, shamed, bollocked up


chorus of neutron sleaze:

lost starlets – tricked-, sucked-, fucked-up –

patriarch swansong


now mobs bay and rip

lives apart in shitstorm tweets

of #metoo fascism


in our black hole of fame

everyone’s-got-it-infamy –

carry on hollywood.



october 2017

zuiderstrand, the hague

from boardwalks buried
in the bed of that steep dune

you step on the beach –


sandscapes shift, air-borne,

you’re a visitor here, as

timelessly moving


as sea waves wash off

infinite fictions of earth –

mere specks on a spot in space.



october 2017

1989 – everything is now – 2017

Photo by Filipe Almeida via Unsplash


our summer of love:

high on hope, hardcore uproar

remixing our lives


dance in those muddy tribal fields –

surging acid nights – wild orgasmic waves

entranced, crowdy hazy drums


all one together

when sunset shades to sunrise –

stay up forever!


heaven in a rave

morphing bodies, spaced-out time:

starstruck eternals


raucous, thrilled and chilled

travellers, mutating beings

stagger on the stars’ stoned threshold


in love’s euphoria:

kiss our forever lovers –

softcore love hardwired in all of us


heartbeat to heartbeat

ecstatic, loved-up pulses

– everything is now –



summer 1989 & summer 2017

         Photo by Muhammed Fayiz via Unsplash

in our happy hour 

  in our happy hour

  blooming among wild tulips

   sappily sprung in spring –


   fresh April showers fall,

  sweeten earthy sluggish veins –

    riffs of birdsong wake


       liminal lovers

    on the season’s bare threshold,

     shivering off the cold –


    shed our chrysalis clothes,

      winter’s pale accessories,

        emerging nude, fresh –


    limitless like love

    shaken from hibernation

        in our happy hour

freddie omm , april 2017

sexy, slightly scary (her sweet self)

She’s sweet like a friend

Yet sexy, slightly scary

Like no one other


You like her. She smiles

The smile of one who knows that

That liking you feel


Likes her for her self

Like she wishes she could too

But she doesn’t like


Like herself… She says

She can’t explain how she likes

What she likes in words


She has this dream

In which she merges in her

Lies of love with others like


She’s living some truth

Neither selfish nor selfless

– Like her to be both –


Sweet, wholesome, love-scarred

And sexy, exposed – scared that

She’s just like herself


But is not herself –

Like no one else is oneself:

We’re like each other.

on ventura beach: haiku chain

ventura keys bay

ventura keys bay


borne on a loose-tongued tide

when dolphins sang in our bay,

i swam alongside.


i learned my english

in california, oh yeah –

surfing on meaning


strange new kid from lands

far-off with paler beaches

i dug those endless sands


west of ventura keys

soaked up the lingo in waves,

loghorreic seas,


chilled long days drunk down

so deep, my first summer of love,

synaesthetized like


a child of the sun –

honey-skied strands, peacemeal love,

kool-aid cookied, fun!


like surf out of reach,

lyrics drift through smoke-tinged breeze

on ventura beach.


kool-aid cookies

kool-aid cookies



shoredays, yoredays: seven haiku on a beach


now, then, soon – shoredays,

wave-lapped hours, wind-spun and warm

like summer kisses


blown in midwinter

distillated on our lips

blissed out, oh! timeless


yoredays – flown, but here

with you forever, come spring

and the buds and birds –


skies drunk on light, blue

till blacked-out, then flopping blank

on a spinning globe


summerled like myth,

tripping out on dewy toes –

yoredays, yours, mine, theirs,


the only sure thing

left is love in all our lives,

strewn along the dunes


days of sun, shoredays –

all transilluminated,

hewn in memory


who am i (lana wachowski)

for lana wachowski


… who am i, and when

wachowski to wachowska


was there a moment

before i became me? – no,

and yet i wonder…


what turns us queerly

recast in a different film

to act against type?


(type?) (without a face?)

life’s not some single screenplay…

(type?) (without a cast?)


we ask ourselves this

not knowing if an answer

ever was, will be:


never yet someone,

neither a nonentity

nor quite nobody


mostly we don’t ask

for fear of wondering, lost

in rapt selflessness


one eye on the road

which tears our lives inside out

one hand on the wheel


and we become one

body, not anybody,

don’t ask who am i…


22nd January 2014


i admire lana wachowski’s work a lot and also her general attitude to stuff (as far as one can make out from her few public statements) – she combines humour with intelligence and experimentation – artistic bravery, openminded energy, a sense of inspirational anarchy…

i wrote this poem in one go last night just after i’d been thinking about her life so far.

(it is likely to get edited, tweeted and played with, being in the nature of an experiment, one of my haiku chains…)

love became a lonely land: autumnal haiku chain

leaves on loam

leaves like love let go

spiral down to snoozing earth,

dark, russet-brown loam.


when fall took those leaves

love became a lonely land—

warmth withdrawn, wan sun’s


waning light bled slow

blind trails of mud and sodden

footsteps veined with ice


wan sun's waning light bled slow blind trails

where ghosts shadowed past,

skulked all through that leafless land

to haunt our autumns…


stark, unfelled, strange-boughed—

love’s remains in lonely land:

bare old beeches, clumped,


storm-ridden and gaunt,

sheltering our homeless hearts,

winterblown—like us,


love’s a vagabond

wandering to a nameless place

of endless leaving—


on tracks untravelled

from fall to spring, we will see

leaves, let go, return.

leaves, let go, return

leaves, let go, return


 – I originally wrote this haiku chain on Twitter — a bad habit of mine — poetry on Twitter being so hit and miss, nobody’s looking for it — but I find it a good place maybe for knocking out a first draft.

– When I’d written it I thought Love is a lonely land was a new phrase but then I checked and I saw I had actually lifted it (subconsciously…) from an old, sweet song.

–  This was Billie Holiday’s beautiful, mournful Deep Song (by Cory and Cross), which includes the line:

Love lives in a lonely land

and ends:

Love is a barren land, a lonely land/A lonely land.

–  That’s a song I must have listened to more than a couple dozen times since childhood (my parents also loved Billie Holiday).

– At any rate, my haiku chain has ended up as a sort of retort — a positive echo if you like — to the somewhat bleak sentiments of Deep Song

– So thanks to Billie, Cory and Cross!

– And here’s their song in all its glory:

Billie Holiday: Deep Song

earthgrazing haiku

moon and bay

moon and bay

In Dorset last month one evening after tea – and till well after midnight – there were some excellent meteor showers.

Spread out on our backs, on a tumulus on the clifftops above Higher Eype, we watched them.

I wrote this haiku chain about it:

(meteor showers over the dorset coast)

peckish at tea-time:
pot warmed, kettle on the boil
as the light draws in

around the cottage –
fog furling up from the sea
all this moist evening

our minds soaked, softened
in warm cups of reflection,
dunked choccy biscuits –

scones with clotted cream
and jam, gentleman’s relish
on hot buttered toast.

we climb up the hill
to the clifftop tumulus,
sheep and cows around –

the sky inking in
those unscrolled constellations
crawling with time’s myths,

scanning heaven for
asteroids and meteorites,
bright trails clustered in

radiating lights,
mirrored waves, blank deep waters
where night takes a breath,

and then we look out
– wide-eyed, longing no longer –
appetites replete,

scattered meteor showers
sketch the intermittent sky
with points of parting:

radiant perseids,
earthgrazers, cosmic debris –
while we watch, starstruck,

and only the dog
is still on the hunt for more,
chasing her own tail…

dorset, august 2013

coco looking for her own tail

coco looking for her own tail

(“earthgrazers”, by the way, are meteors which fly close to the horizon, slowly, in the early evening… i like the way it could just as well describe us humans – and animals, too – grazers all upon this earth)