woke like song (haiku chain invocation) – for all the lovers everywhere


open up like song

let music play us sing us

melodising us


we two wrapped in heat –

loose entangled limbs like riffs

of carnal melody


interlaced and lit

lasciviously dangerous

lullabying life


our bodies pick up

the pumping of each other’s

heartbeat rhythms


in our love for us

we’re lyrical and languorous

climax in chorus


wild music wakes us

enchanting and shaking us

open like song


our skin pricked with notes

glissando licks quickening us

like a morning shower


in our love for us

in trust in truth we give tongue

to life’s loving song


II – envoi:


for all the lovers

who grew lonely as time passed

silencing their space –


music of the spheres

come join us close together

sing us woke in song!




freddie omm

may 2019


photo by spencer imbrock

wake for the winter – cold front, february-march 2018 – haiku chain

we all have it in us

this dying for summer this

dawning in darkness


like buds at the tips

of february twigs we grow

and feel its stirring


springtime inside us

until a cold front snuffs out

our wake for the winter


a crocus-white chill

grabs us not from the grave but

its deep dark bed of earth


winter clasps us tight

anew and what we wished gone

we take it back again


like people waved goodbye

come back and kissed afresh our

winter wishes woke


we hug them to warm us

our needs and loves we never lose

we have them all in us

